SFPC: Day 43 - What Are iPhones Made Of?

Today in Ingrid’s class, we took apart iPhones to inspect and discuss the materials inside.


Morning Walk

Christmas sellers setting up this weekend.

tree frames

Ingrid's Class

In groups of two, we took apart iPhones and gave short presentations on the different metals the phones contained(the metals to research were pre-assisnged; Dannie and I had copper).

tree frames

tree frames

When we were starting out and were told by Ingrid to choose a phone to take apart, something in my gut told me to grab the oldest iPhone, a 3GS.

Turns out, the older the iPhone, the easier it is to take apart. It took me maybe 15-20 minutes to disassemble my phone, while teams with iPhone 4s and 5s really had to fiddle with them a bit more.

I love taking things apart, so this class was a lot of fun.

tree frames

After class, did some planning for freelance work, answered some emails, and figured out what I might be able to accomplish over the Thanksgiving break.

Going upstate to my grandmother’s for Thanksgiving. Family time and r’n’r sounds real nice right about now.



Poached egg on avo toast.

For Lunch:

Beef stew and mashed potatoes. Good on a legitimately chilly day.

For Dinner:

Milon! A neat little Bangladeshi restaurant with Jo, my sister and her boyfriend.