Got some much needed sleeping-in sleep, and then - housing search today.
Saw a real nice place in Red Hook. Mattia, who will be living there with me and has leased the apartment, is a former Eyebeam resident and teaches Processing at Pratt and Hunter College. The rent’s not cheap but nowhere in New York is, unless you get really, really lucky. Yes, I’ll be paying $300 more for a room in an industrial part of town than I did for a 1000 sq. foot loft in Dallas, but that was Dallas, this is NYC.
Later, I’ll be joining a friend of a friend to look for a place in Bushwick.
Massive reuben at Daisy’s Diner in Park Slope
Sleep lab
Park Slope trash
For Breakfast:
From Crocus, down the street: a big, fat glazed cake donut.
For Lunch:
A huge open face Reuben sandwich with fries at Daisy’s Diner in Park Slope.
For Dinner:
1/4 chicken and fries at a Peruvian restaurant in Bushwick.